Exploring Paths to Research Leadership

As part of her RCA Broadening Participation Faculty Fellow role, Febina Mathew, NDSU associate professor of plant pathology, has created and is leading this pilot program.

These four events will enable you to explore many different paths to research leadership ranging from growing a research program to serving in administrative roles in academia or industry to developing the skills necessary to lead a major research initiatives like centers.

All sessions are free, but registration is required.


How Can I Effectively Lead my Research Program?
As a researcher, it is common to feel overwhelmed by data and underestimate your expertise in your field. However, effective communication and engagement with your work are crucial for establishing yourself as an expert. In this session, we will provide you with tips to help you gain recognition in your respective field.

  • March 14, Nueta (MU), 11:30 AM to 1 PM
  • Speakers: Febina Mathew and Julia Bowsher

Positioning Your Research Program in the Scientific Community
Facilitating networking opportunities with faculty members to effectively secure funding from the USDA, NSF, and/or other funding agencies.

  • March 28, Nueta (MU), 11:30 AM to 1 PM
  • Speakers: Christi McGeorge, Sylvio May, Sathish Venkatachalem, Hollie Mackey, and Ganapathy Mahalingam

Developing Collaborations with Faculty Members within NDSU
Facilitating a Social Networking Session aimed at fostering interdisciplinary collaboration among faculty members, to collectively develop potential projects for submission to funding agencies. Additionally, the session will provide an opportunity for the teams to present their projects as "lightning talks" - concise 5-minute presentations - to gather feedback from peers and enhance their collaboration skills through peer-to-peer mentoring.

  • April 5, Badlands (MU), 11:30 AM to 1 PM
  • Speakers: Febina Mathew, Phil McClean, and Heidi Grunwald

How Do I Become a Research Leader?
Panelists will come from NDSU and the region, drawing from various sources such as associate deans for research, central research offices, industry, and more. They will provide valuable insights on career pathways based on their own experiences.

  • April 12, Room of Nations (MU), 11:30 AM to 1 PM
  • Speakers: Rajesh Kavasseri (SDSU), Wendy Reed (UMN), Nancy Hodur, and Francis Casey
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