Procedures for Winter Storms Announced by Division of Finance and Administration

The Division of Finance and Administration announces the storm procedures and protocol being used to determine impacts to the NDSU campus operations. A Severe Weather Protocol Crisis Management Response Team (CMRT) will assist the administration in providing advice on weather related operations. 

Decisions made by the administration which will disrupt the operations of the University will be announced through the following OFFICIAL NDSU campus notification method:

Campus Emergency Notification Systems (CENS). The formal mass notification procedures identified in NDSU Policy 721 - Campus Emergency Notification Systems (CENS).  By that policy, all employees are required to participate and are automatically enrolled in the CENS procedure through the PeopleSoft HR/Payroll process.  All students are REQUIRED to participate in CENS and are automatically enrolled during the registration process.  To confirm enrollment, go to Campus Connection and access the Emergency Notification Update link and complete the Emergency Contact Information form.

The NDSU home page will provide updates on the status of University classes and office operations during the storm.

  • NDSU The NDSU home page will provide updates on the status of University classes and office operations during the storm.
  • Local Media Outlets

Snow or low temperatures normally are not reasons to close the university, but significant amounts of snow might warrant a delayed start. Snow combined with severe wind chills or blizzard conditions also may warrant closing the university.

The following actions may be taken by NDSU:

  • Full Operation
  • Delayed Start
  • Continued Delayed Start (if closed day prior)
  • Early Closure
  • Closed
  • Continued Closure (if closed day before)

NOTE:  Please check the respective Athletics, Fine Arts, Memorial Union, Libraries and Wallman Wellness Center websites for information concerning their areas. Please check with other specific events, as they may also be canceled or rescheduled.

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