
美国教育部的《乐虎电子》要求所有学院和大学向学生提供他们作为消费者有权获得的某些信息. 的 information that a school must provide about financial aid 和 its campus, 设施, 学生运动员, 有报酬的就业计划,以及促进校园安全和消防安全以及防止吸毒和酗酒的信息, as required under HEA Sec. 485(f) 和 34 CFR 668.41–49.


NDSU discloses current degree programs 和 other educational 和 training programs, 教学, 实验室, 和 other physical plant 设施 that relate to the academic programs, 教师和其他教学人员以及任何改善学术课程的计划. More information can be found 在这里: 52clts.volamdolong.com/admission/explore_ndsu/academic.

认证 和 Licensure

美国的大学和学院获得由美国政府认可的非政府机构的认证. S. 教育部长被誉为评估高等教育质量的可靠权威机构. NDSU is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). Additional information about NDSU的 accreditation can be found at: 52clts.volamdolong.com/accreditation.

Athletic Program Information

有关校际体育参与率和财务支持信息的数据,请联系NDSU体育,电话:701-231-6268或发送电子邮件 电子邮件. NDSU每年准备体育公平披露法案(EADA)调查,报告体育参与情况, 人员配备, 和 revenue 和 expenses, categorized by men’s 和 women’s teams. 的 Survey is submitted to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Post-secondary Education 和 is available 在线.

Campus Security 和 Fire Safety

In accordance with the Clery Act, 一项联邦法规,要求所有参与联邦财政援助计划的学院和大学从校园收集犯罪统计数据并提供安全信息, NDSU publishes the required fire safety 和 fire log 报告s by October 1 of each year. 的 报告 contains information on:

  • Crime awareness 和 campus security policies, 过程s, programs, 和 statistics
  • 紧急 response 和 evacuation 过程s
  • Missing person notification policy
  • Information for crime victims about disciplinary proceedings
  • 消防安全报告
  • 及时的警告

最近的 Annual Security Report消防安全报告 can both be found on the NDSU 网站.

University Police must create, maintain, 和 make available a 每日犯罪日志 (第29页).  日志条目必须包括向大学警察报告的所有犯罪,而不仅仅是《乐虎集团》犯罪. 的 crime log for the most recent 60-day period is open to public inspection, 要求, during normal business hours at the University Police 和 Safety Office, 第十二大道1523号. N.北达科他州法戈.  超过60天的任何部分必须在要求公众查阅的两个工作日内提供.

每年10月1日或之前,大学警察都会向每位入学学生发送电子邮件,通知他们年度安全和消防报告的可用性以及该文件的直接URL. 物理副本可向大学警察通讯呼叫中心索取,电话为701-231-8998. To view a log of incidents 报告ed as fire, see NDSU的 Annual Security ReportAnnual Fire Report pages 46-48.


NDSU的 required information is posted to the 大学导航器 网站.

Constitution 和 Citizenship Day

NDSU持有 宪法日 每年的9月17日,纪念1787年9月17日签署的宪法.


金融援助 Director 
马太福音.桑切斯.1 @volamdolong.com 

Copyright Infringement

Students may not copy, 下载, 或者共享软件, 文档, or files protected by copyright using the university’s computing resources, unless granted written permission from the copyright holder. Additional information regarding the violation of copyright law can be found at NDSU Code of Student Conduct, Section 601. 也看到 NDSU政策手册 for employee responsibility.


学生的出勤费(COA)是在新大就读一学年的总费用. It includes the cost of tuition 和 fees, 住房, 食物, 书, 课程材料, supplies 和 equipment. 最近的 tuition 和 fees schedule, 校园住房费用, 用于确定经济资助的预算示例可在以下网址找到: 52clts.volamdolong.com/admission/financial_aIDs/cost. 看到 学习项目 on the 网站 for course 和 program specific fees, 和 special charges.

Drug 和 Alcohol Abuse

大学致力维持一个有利于智力和个人发展的学术和社会环境,以及大学社区所有成员的安全和福利. More information can be found within the following resources:


In the event of an emergency or disaster affecting NDSU, 应急管理股将根据大学的应急行动计划协助协调应对和恢复工作. 你可以回顾一下 NDSU应急指南NDSU Policy 164-紧急 程序.


NDSU的 净价计算器 是一个在线成本估算工具,以帮助家庭计划未来在新大的教育费用.

Special Services 和 Facilities

NDSU offers many services to students with disabilities, including those with intellectual disabilities. For more information contact the Center of Accessibility 和 Disability Resources.

Student 和 Parent Privacy Rights (FERPA)

Information on the Family Education Rights 和 Privacy Act of 1974, as amended 和 applicable to NDSU, such as a student’s right to review educational records, request to amend records, disclosure in the Student Information section visit Notification of Rights under FERPA. Learn about general FERPA information 在这里.


NDSU希望通过将学生在校园和社区活动中获得的技能与课堂上获得的知识相结合,吸引和激发学生的潜力. A list of student activities offering engagement opportunities can be found 在这里.

Student Body Diversity

机构研究和分析办公室维护着各种乐虎电子校园的报告, including data related to student diversity. 信息 the diversity of the student body at NDSU can be found at: 52clts.volamdolong.com/oira/dashboards/student_body/

Student Financial Assistance

一个描述, along with eligibility 和 selection criteria for all federal, 状态, 当地的, 私人和机构基于需求和非基于需求的学生财政援助计划可以在 52clts.volamdolong.com/onestop/finaIDs.

Student Loan Code of Conduct

NDSU采用了全国学生资助管理人员协会(NASFAA)的道德准则. 点击 在这里 for the code of conduct for NDSU employees as it relates to educational loans.

Student Outcomes or Completion 和 Transfer Rates

信息 statistics on enrollment, 保留, 毕业, placement 和 transfer-out rates for NDSU students, including rates for specific populations of students, can be found at the links below: 


新大为学生提供机会,在学习不同文化的同时,提高他们的知识和技能, or within other areas of the United States. 信息 出国留学National Student Exchange programs can be found 在线

Teacher Preparation Accountability



所有参加新大的学生都可以在新大书店购买所需的书籍和用品. Several options are available to students such as new, used 和 rental 书 to charge at the NDSU 书tore against their NDSU account.

想要在NDSU书店外购买书籍并且是联邦财政援助接受者的学生可以探索利用他们多余的援助资金购买书籍的选择. 要符合资格, 学生必须在学期开始前10天提交完整的经济援助文件(所有要求的文件已收到并处理),并在支付强制性费用后获得额外的援助. 如果符合条件, 多余的助学金将在每学期开始前10天发放到任何学期的第七个上课日. For more information contact 金融援助 和 奖学金 at 701-231-7537.

Transfer of Credits 政策 和 Articulation Agreements

Details about how transfer credit is h和led at NDSU can be found at: 


North Dakota State University requires specific 免疫接种 for all enrolled students.


North Dakota does not require voter registration.

Withdrawals 和 退款

当学生在校园连接中提交取消/撤回电子表格以声明退出意图时,NDSU的官方退出流程就开始了. More information about the withdrawal process can be found at Withdrawing From ALL Classes:

信息 NDSU’S refund policy 和 schedule for withdrawals can be found:

NDSU 目录: Registration: Changes in Registration


居住生活: If the student withdraws while living in a residence hall, students must check out with hall staff within 24 hours of submitting the withdrawal form. More information is found 在这里: 52clts.volamdolong.com/reslife/about/ 

军事: If student is withdrawing due to military deployment/activation, see the outlined 过程.